Tuesday 1 September 2015

When Muscle Growth Stops

Karan Chopra / / 0
Hard workouts in the gym can pay off quite well. Hitting the weights and getting stronger is a great feeling, and so is additional muscle growth. It is nice to see the results from the hours and sweat that you've poured into the iron, but eventually you are going to hit a point where the muscle growth seems to stop. Even though you are still working out just as hard, the muscles aren't getting any larger. What does this mean? Have you reached the limit of your genetic potential for muscle growth?
Chances are that you are nowhere near that limit. What usually happens is that the body grows used to the workouts that you are doing, and that means you are going to experience a period of stagnation. When you keep doing the same workouts without really challenging your body, you aren't going to get any larger. Diet can play a part in this as well.

Changing Workouts for More Muscle

You may have a great workout plan that you've been following for months. It has gotten the muscles to grow thus far, so many people stick with the same workout routine week after week, month after month. Eventually, the body stops responding. You need to change your workouts if you hope to stimulate more muscle growth, and you can do this in several ways.

First, consider adding more weight to your exercises. Lower your reps from the regular eight or ten all the way down to four to six. Make sure that you have enough weight for the exercises that getting out those four to six reps is a challenge. For some of the exercises you are doing, you will likely need to have a spotter who can make sure you remain safe and that you do them with the proper form. Increasing the weights will hit your muscles deep, and you should see some new growth.

Second, change the exercises that you are doing. Instead of using the Smith Machine for your squats, you can use the regular squat rack. Add dead lifts if you don't already do them. Use different machines for your chest instead of the same old bench routine. The key is to hit your muscles from different angles and with a different intensity to help spur growth in them.

Rather than grouping the same body parts in a work out, you might want to mix them up a bit. Rather than always doing chest and triceps together, do chest and biceps. Add the biceps to your back day. Do legs and abs, and add calf exercises into your shoulder routine. Keep the body guessing and wondering what you are going to do, and you will see that it really helps.

Your Diet Could Play a Part

You may think that you are eating healthy, and that might be the case. If you are only eating healthy foods, then the problem might be with the quantity. When you are trying to build muscle, you need to make sure that you have more protein in your diet.

Karan Chopra

Karan Chopra Is A Professional Blogger. Karan Chopra Run Many Informational Site From Home. He Use To Like Always Sit Front Of His Laptop And Research On Different Topics For Their Readers
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